Thursday 3/27: Women’s 50+ Water Polo! Lap lanes will be available 6-7pm. Lanes will close at 7pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Support the y for our future ​


The YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard is a charitable organization whose community impact would not be possible without our generous donors and volunteers. You helped build our facility, now help us build financial sustainability for our future.

endowment fund

Endowed funds support the YMCA of Martha's Vineyard in perpetuity. Donors who establish an endowment often name the fund to remember to honor someone special in their lives.

Unlike gifts received for immediate use, endowed gifts sustain operations and programs over time. The principal value of the endowment fund is kept intact, while the investment earnings are drawn down and used for the purpose(s) specified by the donor. Surplus investment income that is not drawn down is reinvested according to the donor's wishes, thereby growing the fund's principle over time. Thus, an endowment fun can be held permanently, allowing donors to receive charitable tax benefits immediately while maintaining the social-good grantmaking power for the long-term.

The YMCA's primary Endowment Fund was created with $1.5M in seed money from The Tower Family Foundation. Thanks in part to a matching gift incentive offered by The Tower Family Foundation and the generosity of some of our most philanthropic partners, the YMCA's Endowment has grown to nearly $8M today.

Please contact the Development Office at (508)696-7171 x 119 or to discuss endowment opportunities to help support the YMCA's programs and services in perpetuity.

Group Exercise Schedule