Thursday 3/27: Women’s 50+ Water Polo! Lap lanes will be available 6-7pm. Lanes will close at 7pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Y For All Financial Assistance

If you are thinking you cannot afford to be member or participate in programs at the Y – let our Financial Assistance Program help change that!

Y For All Application

about financial assistance

As part of our mission, we strive every day to ensure the Y and our services are available to all community members. We never want financial burden to prevent kids and adults from accessing our programs and services and living a healthy lifestyle. Please contact Membership Director, Haley Hines for additional information at or (508) 696-7171 ext. 112.

Our Financial Assistance Program enables all individuals and families to become active members and participants at a rate that fits their budgets. This program is possible thanks to the many generous donors who support the YMCA’s Annual Campaign —100% of donations made to the Y helps support kids, adults and families in need.

Financial Assistance is granted based on the need demonstrated by household income and/or extenuating circumstances. Each application is confidentially reviewed on an individual basis. Financial Assistance reduces membership or program fees as a percent off the total cost. Financial Assistance can be applied to membership, group swim lessons, After School Program, Summer Camp and dance. Please see the income scale below as a guideline for qualification.

sample sliding scale as a guideline for qualification

Family Size

Yearly Income Range


$18,000 - $48,000


$24,000 - $65,000


$30,000 - $82,000


$36,000 - $99,000


$43,000 - $115,000


$49,500 - $132,000

Group Exercise Schedule